Thursday, September 3, 2009

Intentional Political Misinformation and the Apathetic Citizens Who Embrace It.

Seriously. This is a completely ridiculous day of political interaction.

We have a president who hopes to interact with the children of our nation and encourage them to work hard and succeed in school. To continue sharing the message of hope, that each and everyone of them can achieve their goals if they want to.

Who in their right mind wouldn't appreciate this kind of positive motivation for their child?

Those in the "right" minds, apparently!

The number of purposefully deceptive, hateful, and passionate complaints from both educated Republican party members, and the uneducated that follow them today is unbelieveable.

It scares me that we live in a world that seems to become less and less tolerant of intelligent debate by the day. The hate that is spattered on a day to day basis is embarassing. Did the 8 years of deception under W leave us with a mess we can't dig ourselves out of? It seems that a large segment of the population has adopted apathy in their approach to learning about issues before thoughtfully adding their opinion to the mix. The "right to an opinion" in this country is turning into the "right to a hateful and passionate repeating of someone else's opinion when I have no idea of the whole story."

Officially OVER IT!